iTouch 4th gen or Nano 7th gen?


New member
Jun 2, 2009
So the new iPod nano is only $149 bucks! WOHOOO! But the iTouch 4th gen is only $199 bucks. Now before you all tell me to but the iTouch, because its only like $50 bucks more, I want to describe to you what I will use my ipod for.

First, I want to use it to just listen to music. I am not really into the games, and I dont really need wifi, and I want a smaller device rather than an iTouch, so I thought the nano would be good.

Second, I wanna listen to music when I life, run, and walk around, I really love music.

Third, the ones I am deciding on both have 16gb of music. Now if someone could answer how many songs can I put on the iPod and how many can i put if I convert the files to the 128kbps?

Finally, which is the better buy? And I think i'm pretty set on nano, but if you think I should buy a itouch, please give me some background info on why! Thanks! :D
Yeah, for your purposes, the NEWEST iPod Nano would be best for you. My sister has one, and she really loves it. Here's a link to the one you should get:

If you order off of, purchases over $50 becomes free shipping. also offers free engraving on the back, so you can write your name on it if you choose.

I'm sure you know a lot about the iPod already, but I just want to say it's probably best for just listening to music. There's even radio on it, just like the other Nanos.

I am ordering an iPod Touch 5 today, and I think I'll use it most for instagram, pictures, videos, panorama pictures, music, web, and games. There's also Siri on it, too, so if you want Siri, get the iPod Touch 5. I figured $300 bucks is worth it for something this amazing.

But I understand you probably won't need something for all of those reasons, so get the iPod Nano for $149. It's got Bluetooth so you can play it in your car or on a bluetooth speaker wire-free.

Hope this helped. :)
The touch is made with music and other things in mind. It is not made specifically for music, but holds the capabilities.
The Nano is made just for music, and if I were you, I'd save the 50 bucks and then have more money to buy some more music with
If you just want music, stick with the nano.
You realize that you can do these things on any number of cellphones, right? Even if you're getting just a basic phone, you can still use it for music and video. Many basic phones can accept microSD cards as bug as 16GB, some up to 32GB, and since they're cards

* they can be swapped to any number of devices (no need to sync between new one and old one)
* you can swap different cards, meaning you practically have no limit to how much you can carry with you (iPod memory is dixed)
* because you can connect in mass storage USB mode, you don't need proprietary software. iTunes is needed for iPods, and unlike mass storage mode, iTunes does not let you copy FROM an iPod.
* if the phone bricks, the card can still be saved.

Phones can be cheaper than iPods, and let's face it. You're going to have one anyway.

The iPod touch is a better idea since it does more, assuming you want to do those extra things.

But the Nano is a complete waste of money - you can do what you want w/o one.