It is time to put an END to religion and the evil it creates?


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Burn down all places of worship, ban religion and send all bible bashers into mental hospitals or extermination camps. Agree or disagree.

I agree, because I hate religious paedophile scum.

All religious people are potential paedophiles and terrorists that need to be tagged or shot.

1st Make a data base and put all religious people on a potential criminal data base.
2nd Have state officials to monitor religious activity.
3rd Exterminate religious people if they do not stop believing in God and talking snakes.
4th Tag them and make them wear arm bands saying that they're freaks.

If these people believe in God then they also believing in unicorns, elves, talking snakes and 900 year old men which isn't a sane person in my eyes. If there are adults who believe in this then you seriously need help.

I know what cults do! Religion is pure evil it is a cult.
I estimate that 500 million people have died through the terrors of religion and its about time we should bring terror to these scum.
Religious people are NOT Humans they are no different from dogs.
Never believed in god since I was 4 years old.
Religion is for freaks
9/11= religions fault
Utah war= religions fault
Mumbai attacks= religions fault
Beslan 2004= religions fault
Catholic church= paedophile protectors.
Mormon church= paedophile protectors.
Every war in the last 2000 years= religions fault

This is not hate this is the truth you are too brainwashed to notice.