It is safe to talk to my psychiatrist about my struggles?


Jun 2, 2008
I have been through a lot with depression and anxiety and ny doctor knows that. He wants to know of all the horrible or terrifying things that have happened to me. Recently, in November, my girlfriend has a miscarriage. This is upsetting but it was especially hard to cope with because I am only 16. We were not trying to have a kid but I messed up and I knew she was pregnant. Should I consider talking to him about this and getting it off my chest or will he be against legal laws to tell my parents? I do not want them to know what has happened.
Do you also think its safe to ask that to the people from the internet? Some people will just troll you and such on the internet

Tell your psychiatrist, that's his job
He can't tell anyone what you talk about. It is safe to talk to him. I'm sorry about the miscarriage.
Since you didn't commit any crimes (as long as your girlfriend wasn't like, 32 or something...) He would really have no reason to tell your parents, much less be legally required to do so. If it is upsetting you, talk to him about it, you should be fine and your secret should be safe.