Israelis, would you help an injured Palestinian, and vice-versa?


Active member
May 11, 2008
It's a simple question, and here's the scenario: You're driving along alone, it's daylight, in the open (ie there's no-one else around), and you see someone laying by the side of the road, seemingly in pain, but alive. You identify that they're Israeli/Palestinian. You get eye contact with each other, but do you stop and help the person on the side of the road, or do you drive by?

Israelis (and Jews) answer for Israelis, and Palestinians (and Muslims) answer for Palestinians. Don't answer for each other please.

So Israelis would you help an injured Palestinian, and Palestinians would you help an injured Israeli?
Without a doubt I would help that person. Of course. The only reason I can think of for not helping, is if I felt the situation was unsafe or a set up. If I felt that was the case I would drive on but call the appropriate emergency service.
It depends where I am. In Israel proper, I would stop and call for help. In Judea and Samaria, I would not stop, but I would call for help. The problem is that it could always be a trap.