Israel Blockades Lebanon

Your point being what?

Which of the wars in which Israel's Arab neighbours have lost land were instigated by the Israelis?

Where's the pre-1980 map showing Israel in the Sinai? Where's the current map showing Israel OUT of Gaza?

Oh wait... those don't support your "land-grab" theory, we'd better brush them under the carpet.
The winner, loser or instigator of war is not the issue.

The fact that Israel has consistently annexed areas outside the original partition agreement is.

The fact that Israel has allegedly withdrawn from Gaza an area that they annexed in the first place re-inforces my point.
You've got to be kidding me.

The instigator of a war is not an issue. Right.

I guess you really DON'T believe the Israelis have any right to defend themselves.

Not "allegedly"... they withdrew from Gaza in Autumn of last year. Since then Gaza has been used as a base for weapons smuggling and rocket and suicide bomber attacks on Israel.
Of course who starts it is the issue. How can it not be the issue? The only way to not think it is an issue is when you support the loser who started the war and don't care about fairness.
Actually, every post that goes on about the slaughter of muslim children due to their parent's aggression and fails to give one mention to the Israeli children that die, is debating the value of the children on each side. How many posts would that be in favor of the muslim children? An awful lot, wouldn't it? Comments like your super job comment show a bias.

How would anyone know if Israel is interested in peace? Their enemies are not willing to find out because they keep attacking them.

Any attempt to discuss anything rationally on this issue will fail as long as the Israelis are constantly called nazi's and baby slaughterers or super job at butchering innocents. Attempts to demonize Israel for defending themselves and not admit that they have a right to defend themselves limit the ability to have a discussion. The attempt to constantly try to outrage others by stupid rhetoric is a means to avoid discussion.

I doubt anyone here has said that all muslims are the problem. It is only those that seek to violently overthrow anything that is not following a strict muslim state that are the problem.
What exactly are they defending themselves from?

A whopping 69 people have died in Israel, less than the amount that have died in the U.S due to the heat.

900 Lebanese have been killed in this "defense", about 13 Lebanese for 1 Israeli.

This is no longer self defense, as it is an offense.
So you think Israel should just welcome suicide bombers and rockets with open arms? Frankly, there is no middle ground. Either they take action to try and stop the attacks upon them or they allow the attacks to continue. They make the intelligent decision to try and stop the attacks. Wouldn't be nice if their enemies would make an intelligent decision and stop attacking Israel?
By the way, if Hezbollah didn't think 13 to 1 is acceptable, they would stop attacking Israel. They must not value the lives of the Lebanese people very much.

By the way, your comment about a "whopping 69" really shows that you don't think very much about those totally innocent deaths.
You always seem to conveniently miss the point

It was not the civilians of Lebanon who started the 'war', neither was it the children

The reason why people are protesting about Israels slaughter of children is this Israel has killed more children. Simple eh?
I'd call it "oversimplified"

Does this mean that once the rocket attacks have killed an equal number of Israeli children, the Israelis are allowed to start firing again?
If Israel retreated back to it's legitimate borders, I suspect it would in reality be an acceptable solution to all sides.

However, they have annexed a lot of land since this...
Actually the West Bank was annexed by Jordan. That's what led to the King's assassination at the hands on a Palestinian gunman.

But I guess it's ok for the Jordanians to control the majority of the former Palestinian Mandate, since they're not Jewish.
Cry me a river... the map you posted of the pre-Camp David territory already blew the "land grab" theory out of the water. I'd advise you to stop trying to pursue it.
Interesting article

Perhaps a look at the 1919 proposed Zionist state map might be interesting too
Where did I say that?

No middle ground? So why not just nuke the entire Middle East?

What Israel is doing is far from intelligent, the entire country of Lebanon now fully supports Hezbollah. In addition, Iran has now seen just how powerful/useful a tool Hezbollah is and as such will continue to support them.Not to mention the hatred towards Israel from the rest of the world(except in Israel and the U.S).

By any measure Israel's current actions have been a massive failure.

As to Hezbollah making the intelligent decision, they are. Thanks to Israel, things are going GREAT for Hezbollah, all they have to do is survive the next few weeks(which of course they will) and they will come out on top of the situation.
Because we all know that killing someones friends and family is a good way to make them stop hating you.....

My comment about a "whopping" 69 was made in reference to the number. I feel bad for the innocent Israeli's just as I feel bad for the innocent Lebanese, it just so happens that Lebanon has suffered more.

Totally innocent deaths? Some were, however some were soldiers and as such perfectly acceptable as targets, not to say I want them dead but compared to a civilian....