Isn't it funny how this latest Israeli attack now has people here spouting stuff...


New member
Oct 11, 2008
...thats been repeated for YEARS? It really seems to me Y!A users don't really listen to news that isn't a mainstream headline. This SAME THING happened last year with the pipe rocket attacks and there was barely any noise about it. Israel has denied the Red Cross access to the Gaza strip more than once in the past 12 months. Does the Red Cross have ties to the Taliban and Hamas? Barely any mention of it on Y!A. Suddenly this story goes up on and everyone here is an Israeli historian. Y!A lost a little bit of credibility today. This really makes this site look like a bunch of party line news junkies who cut and paste from FOX and CNN.
libs lack common sense - then why not do what all good western countries have done since the beginning of time? Lie to the people and simply kick all the Palestinians into Iran, Afghanistan or what's now US occupied Iraq? That would solve the problem wouldn't ?