Is wrestling really fake


New member
Apr 7, 2008
How many people think wrestling is fake? I mean some of those moves have to hurt I don't care what you say. I get sick and tired of people saying wrestling is fake so what so are soap operas, cartoons, among other things
Wrestling, as in WWE, is fake. It has a predetermined outcome, the movements are prerehearsed, there is no actual, real fighting going on.

I do admire the wrestlers as athletes. It takes a lot of training, dedication to do what they do.
It's hard work. The schedule and constant travel leaves you with little or no time to heal, which is why so many wrestlers die early. Painkillers become a part of your daily routine, you rarely get to see your family, and people get HURT. Necks broken, knees shot, one slip up and your career is over.

It's like having to film a movie fight scene in front of a crowd, in one take.
It is prerehearsed but it does hurt like hell to be throwed around a wrestling ring. I currently do offtopic and pro wrestling is far more painful than doing offtopic.
A lot of the time the only thing that is pre-rehearsed is the ending.

Most of the greats communicate with each other in ring and do it from there..... now that's damn impressive!

Dead on. It's predetermined, and they have ways of going through their motions without taking serious injuries (most of the time), but it still hurts. In the sense of it being some kind of cakewalk for the guys involved, no, it is not fake. It's a very demanding business full of people who I feel sad for, because they have to take a lot of crap, and if they do make it at all, its usually a mere 5 minutes of fame.
They really do everything you see!

No special effects. I heard Frank Shamrock didn't want to do it because he feared too much putting his health in the hands of others......
a lot of hard work, hardly worth it in my opinion. i respect pro wrestlers, but i still think they're insane. doesn't seem like nearly as much fun as offtopic.
It's fake, but then again its great! I love a bit of WWE action every now and then. It's like theatre with really cheesy actors.

Watch "Beyond the Mat" for an excellent film in relation to pro-wrestling. It gives many great insights.
Some wrestlers plan the whole entire match out before it happens, others (the best one's) go into the match not planning anything but the end because you have a better chance of giveing the fans a better match. If the crowd doesn't want eggs and the wrestlers plan out there match the crowd has to eat eggs. If they are wrestlers in the match that are not planning anything and the crowd doesn't want eggs the wrestlers could give them pancakes. Does that analogy make sense?
I watched a "behind the scenes" show and read Mankind's book. The ending is predetermined. During the fights the wrestlers talk to each other (sometimes using the referee as their go-between) about what move to do next. They pull their punches and kicks, and they try to not land on each other with their full weight, but still, they are getting hit. The blows are landing. And the falls on the tables and the floor and the ring are real. The tables and chairs and ladders are real. The blood is real.

In short, they take a serious beating from the falls and from being thrown into things. Their ukemi ("taking falls") is absolutely real and absolutely top-notch. You won't see me doing any of that stuff.
wrestling is fake when it comes out wit the outcome, but the moves are very really. the only thing is that its all for show, which really isnt bad b/c its great to watch and prolly ten times better to be doing it in front over everyone.
As many others have pointed out - it's fake from the standpoint that it's predetermined. It's not a competition. It's a show. It's entertainment. They're like actors who do all their own stunts. I respect them as athletes and performers and I'm sure some of them can fight - and some who can't fight would just be hard to take down because of their attributes and conditioning. But overall, they're not fighters and what they do isn't fighting any more than what you see in a movie is a real fight. The work they put in and the toll they place on their bodies is impressive.

it's entertainment.

but never let it be said that those guys can't fight. kurt angle can wrestle! goldberg, beniot, and taz could definitly dismember you.

anybody want to dispute kazushi sakuraba's skills?

besides, to get to the wwe level, you've got to pass through so many levels of competition. then re-train to be able to perform.

fyi, if you attempt some of those moves on a resistant opponent, you might just end up injuring yourself (as i found out one time while trying one of those stunts. yeah i know, it was dumb, but he was wide open!).
Of course some of the can fight. Some pro wrestlers have competed in UFC, Shmrock and Dan Severn are 2 that I can think of off the top of my head. So obviously they have to have some kind of skill. I also respect them as athletes, they are in great shape.

But I find wrestling boring..I cant watch more than 60 seconds of any match. Its so old and repetative. 'Two wrestlers having a match. One starts losing. Ref gets distracted just as somebody goes for the pin that would have won. Team mate of guy about to get pin comes running out while ref isnt paying attention. Hits his team mates opponent knocking him out. Ref pays attention just as the team mate gets back out of the ring and his partner rolls over the now unconcious opponent. ONE!! TWO!! THREE!!. That scenario is so played it its pathetic and yet it happens at least once every show.

Oh yea About the tables breaking. I heard that they saw the tables in the center so that they are weaker.
WCW did do that but generally untrue. What would be the point of "cutting" the tables? They're there to break the fall. Ever watch wrestling? Those guys really get planted into 'em. My favorite is when the tables DON'T break and blow the spot. Or when they stack tables on the outside of the ring and the tables don't break. OUCH! Oh, flaming tables are cool too!

Wrestling is 67% fake. One time someone got 62% fake and they had to let him go....