Is Ubuntu running off a cliff?


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
And, is that necessarily a bad thing?

Sometimes I feel like I'm watching Ubuntu running quickly towards a big cliff.

Recently, it was hinted/announced that Gnome would be dropped as Ubuntu's default desktop, and dropped as the x server. The mint Distro has forked itself to produce a pure Debian distro, which was what Ubuntu was supposed to be (sort of) when I signed up for it, which I take to be a reaction by the minters of Mint to Ubuntu's increasing non-Debian-ness. At the same time Ubuntu is trying to be all forward moving and stuff, yet it is unable for some reason to provide non GPL but free and legal drivers so that when Ubuntu is installed on grandma's laptop in an environment where there is no plug-in LAN, the user is SOL and has to do what to most is tricky hacking stuff just to get a single, simple switch thrown so their computer will work (same with some video drivers).

(Read more below the fold. Warning: Photograph of woman on nude beach, may not be work safe.)

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