Is this stealing/ copying?

Dec 12, 2009
okay for example you draw a character but need a bit of inspration from 3 chacaters.
ok so like if my character had sailor moon's eyes but in a different color, mew ichigo's hair but green and the rest i made up, would that be stealing/copying since the new character looks nothing like ichigo/sailor moon....
~i've always wondered this
thanks you guys =)
verp: i guess your right but im inspired by many things but i still add things to set them apart so dn't have to worry about me =)
nope because it is a totally new character. you sad it so your self "the new character looks nothing like ichigo/sailor moon...."
Of course, that's hardly anything that would get you sued, but you can expect anyone else but people who are eager to please you to call you out on that one. Drawing inspiration from something is fine, and to a point mimicking is recommendable, but if you truly care about looking sort of original, you should make an effort towards drawing so that people (including you) cannot see an immediate connection between the different elements in your picture and similar elements someone else's art. When you get feedback from people, you learn what's tasteful usage of other people's art and what isn't.

Then again, if your character is a parody of the characters whose traits you are using, that's a bit different.