Is this girl attracted to me or is she interested in being friends?


May 12, 2008
-smiled ear to ear when I first turned around and asked her name, nodded bashfully(still grinning hard-no teeth) when I repeated it

- we stopped talking after that^ , class continued, and she began sighing loudly, flipping her hair, smacking her gum, and texting while looking up at me…asked a question at the end of class and she stood up, replied, bitterly, and walked out

-a guy sat between us one day and she leaned around(forward and backward) him to see me. I looked over and her eyes were flirty/dreamy until she noticed I’d seen. She later continued looking around him but I never looked back again

-some Indian guy in the class used to check me out a lot. He was leaving class once and I noticed her look up and start glaring at him as he walked by

-(she sits beside me) she started sitting so that her fist or her hood covered the side of her face that I could see

-she glances at me from time to time…she glanced at me once and immediately looked away, red in the face(I believe…and she was trying to hide her face)

-She approached the class one day and I looked up at her as she looked over at me and we held the eye contact for a bit. She looked down with a slight smile

-saw her in the library wearing sweatshirt/shorts and ponytail. 30 minutes later, she arrived to class with her hair down and dressier clothes/shoes…same look she had that day we had eye contact actually

-walked to class (looking good) and somebody was watching me from the courtyard. It was her. She stared as I walked by and did not look away, though I kept looking back at her. She kept looking over at me from the courtyard

-^she approached the classroom and stopped, still staring at me(w/ sunglasses on), listening to what I was saying to someone with a look of interest/slight smile...I looked at her and she backed up to stand behind a large pole so I couldn’t see her but she was kinda stepping around it tp keep staring at me. And here, she was not "just looking".