is this a iPhone 3G or 3Gs?


May 15, 2008
I am going to meet up with a seller tomorrow to purchase an iPhone. They say it's a black iPhone 3Gs, 32gb. On the picture that they have taken of the spec screen, the model # is shown as MB702LL. I looked this up, and it appears that this model number is supposed to be for a 3G. However, the iPhone capacity is shown to be 29.5gb (32gb), and I know that the iPhone 3G does not come in a 32gb size, but the 3Gs does. So can I trust that this is a legit iPhone 3Gs??

If you also have any tips for me to check out on the phone tomorrow in person, please let me know too! I don't want to be scammed or anything. Thanks!
all you have to do is look at the back of the iphone... if the word "iPhone" is gray its a 3G, if its in chrome its a 3Gs.