Is this a good way to vent out to him? NOT THAT LONG!?


New member
Feb 8, 2009
This guy's 29 and I'm 23...he's a player (some girls say he's a jerk) and i'm insecure myself. I don't know if this would be helpful to just make peace with this b4 New Year's. We're acquaintances and now never talk to each other and never greet one another. I've messed up (playing mind games) and he did too.

Look, it’s hard for me to feel comfortable with you. I feel that if I show a slight hint of my feelings I’ll get hurt by you. When you began ignoring me after you first approached me, I didn’t understand why and I tried to see what I did wrong. It seemed like you were either infatuated or had a crush, and I didn’t feel the same bc I need time to get to know someone before I like them. Later on, I felt like you played mind games with me when you saw that I showed slight interest and out of respect for me, I just couldn’t give you any attention because the behavior was unacceptable to me. I ignored you because I felt you were playing me. I was never interested in you as anything more than a friend. I am quite emotional and guys seem to take my emotions as if I’m interested when I’m just trying to get to know them.