is there something wrong with my betta fish?


New member
Oct 13, 2008
i just got my betta fish maby about five days ago. he was dark purple and bluish when i got him. now it seems like his dark color is fading away. i have him in a small bowl change his water about two-three times a week and his diet consists of 7 freeze blood worms a day. but i fast him one day of the week. could i be over feeding him or is he sick or depressed to be losing his color? i never had pet fish before so hardly no experience.
This is totally fine. When I first got my bright orange betta he was beautiful he also had some blue streaks on his fins and tail. I got him onto normal flakes and a treat of dried out blood worms. he lost his blue streaks and then his colour went to a pale orange as well. then I started feeding him much more colourful food and he became more colourful with it.
BTW 7 worms is quite alot and should probably only be used as a treat. try getting flakes from the pet store and try them. you should probably only fast him for 2 or 3 days every 2 or 3 weeks and microwave a frozen pee, peel off the skin and cut half of it into tiny betta size pieces :) Have fun with your fish and if this is your first fish make sure you research a lot because betta's are very hard to take care of.
If he's swimming normal and eating normal he's ok. But I must say 7 worms is a lot daily and you shouldn't change his water so often. Mayb every other week or when it gets dirty. The switch in and out can stress him and the chemicals in our water systems can be harmful. But my gold fish used to be he is orange and white..and he's huge. So color changing is fine..
ok its possibly too cold for him. when my heater broke in my bettas tank he went really pale, as soon as i got a new heater and put it in his colour came back.

a betta needs a 5 gallon tank (minimum)
a filter (sponge filters are best)
and a heater, water temp should be around 77-82f (my bettas temp is at 82)