Is there some way I can avoid PDA (public display of affection) rules in school


Active member
May 12, 2008
with my girlfriend in school? We are in eighth grade and have been together 9 months, but the most common place we can see each other is school, but there's always a teacher nearby and I'm trying to create a romantic moment, but tommorow is my last chance, because she will be across the country for 2 weeks after tommorow, but due to PDA rules, I can't make a special moment before she leaves tommorow due to the fact that teachers seem to always be there when we are together. So I basically need help finding a way to get away with a hand hold, a hug, maybe a kiss? I just need to make the moment really romantic.
Unless it is a religious school, holding hands and hugging is not pda. Making out is but anything under that should not be.