Is there going to be Avatar: the last airbender season 4?


Jun 13, 2008
I just finished watching Avatar the last airbender! I want to see it again, but i know what happens. I really want to watch new episodes! Is there going to be a season 4. I hope and hope there will be season 4! Will there be season 4?
Nope, it is finished.

Sometime in 2012 there will be a new series though, called The Legend of Korra. It takes place at least 70 years after The Last Airbender, and will have a whole new cast. It follows the next Avatar, Korra, in her adventures.
Unfortunately, no. It would pretty if there was, but . . .
There will be a new series; it won't have all the same characters.
All the characters from A:TLA have passed away because it's set 70 to 75 years in the future. Aang should be featured in the show sometimes as Avatar Aang, just like Roku was. Most of the characters have left some kind of legacy or have family, so one of Aang and Katara's kids will be featured, Tenzin, as the new Avatar's airbending teacher. Toph's daughter is in the series as well. Idk about Suki and Sokka and/or Zuko and Mai.
The only character from A:TLA to be rumored to actually be in the new series is Hope. She was the baby born in the episode The Serpent's Pass, I believe.
The new show is called Avatar: The Legend of Korra. Here's the trailer:…
The plot of the new series is based around the idea that there is an Anti-Bender revolution, led by Equalists. In the trailer, it's the person towards the end with the hooded cloak and mast. Korra kinda puts together her own Team Avatar in order to fight the revolution.
If you Google, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, you should be able to find a lot more info than what I gave you. There are some sketches of characters on the Avatar wiki. There are some pretty cool websites, videos on YouTube, and pages on Facebook.

I'm SO excited for this series!! The creators are still the two guys who created A:TLA. There has been some skepticism because people are upset that the original gang has passed on, and it's dealing with even more serious situations than A:TLA. Even though this show is going to air on Nick, I don't think the creators intended for it to solely be a kid's show. This is for people my age (19), and all the others who fell in love with this AMAZING cartoon!
No. But they are making a new avatar Seares all to gether. Go to avatar wiki

here you can find everything.