Is there any way too see who looked at your facebook profile?

No. Those programs that claim to say they can tell why looked at your fb profile are fake. Here's additional info which I quote:

"There are scams aplenty promising to show you who is 'stalking' your Facebook page. I put in a call to Facebook and spoke with their technical folks, the truth is, NO ONE can see who's been on your Facebook page. There are no features buried in the Facebook settings with that data. There are no apps that can unearth that info. Facebook says it is one of the most common scam come-ons on the site. Don't fall for it; you cannot see who's looking at your profile (and no one can see if you've been looking at theirs)."
There *may* be an app out there that tracks who has viewed your profile, however such an app would only work if both you, and the viewer of your profile has it installed.

Most of the apps that claim to tell you this sort of information are downright frauds and generally spyware/malicious websites that can hijack your Facebook account.

Probably the best way to find out if someone has viewed your Facebook profile is to ask that person "Hey, did you look at my profile?" :p
Facebook currently does not provide an application that allows users to track profile views or statistics on the views of any specific user content. Third party developers, however, may offer applications that provide some of this functionality. Please keep a few things in mind for these applications:

Applications CANNOT track profile visits for users who simply go to another person's profile; Facebook has made this technically impossible .

In order to be tracked by an application, you will need to specifically agree to allow the application to track your actions.

Adding an application that provides this functionality is purely optional. If you do not want to participate, please do not add the application to your account.

Also, It is a risk for you to give your login details to the application!