Is there any way to transfer an android app from one phone to another? (app was


Mar 17, 2008
removed form marketplace)? does anyone know anyway to transfer android apps from one phone to another? I downloaded this app a while ago but it seems to have been removed from the market. I really love this app though and i'll be getting a new phone soon. any suggestions would be appreciated. step by step instructions would be nice :)
By the way I own an HTC Evo 4g (not LTE or Design, the first original Evo 4G) if that helps.
Yes. First you'd have to download blackmart from apkmania.con and once youve installed blackmart you'd have to install myappsharer through blackmart!
Sometime when your on the app there should be in the menu a way to share that app from a link. If not. you can try to find the makers website and you maybe able to download it there. But keep in mind that It may have been removed because it may not have been compatible with the newer devices or some other issue. Especially with the soon release of the new android version klp (key lime pie android 5.0) it may not work properly. I hope that's help.