Is there any sign of improvement on performance if you overclock a cpu that's...


New member
Mar 19, 2011
...already at 3.00 GHz? I bought the Intel Core i3- 540, its set at 3.06GHz stock. If I overclocked it to lets say 3.3GHz, would I see any kind of sign that it did anything? The cpu is already blazing fast. I only play WoW, counter strike, and sometimes Age of Empires 3. I need to know if it's even worth overclocking when I'm not an hardcore gamer.
For average games like that, you really won't notice any difference

Core i7 2600K @ 4.4 ghz air here
Increasing your CPU power in this case actually wouldn't cause much of a performance boost in your games at all, even if you WERE a hardcore gamer with the highest-edge games. Most modern games rely almost totally on the graphics card instead of the CPU.

What you would see a performance increase in is in multitasking and in processor-related programs such as photoshop, windows movie maker, etc.....
Its not good always"overclock your PC in ", because of in "overclock" your PC hardware's work full performance, and specially processor work its top level, if you do this continuously your PC hardware's may malfunction, because of processor heat increase in its top performances level. Be careful.
If you aren't seeing any signs of lag or that it even needs sped up why do it? I mean, I am sure you aren't getting lag or anything so why increase the clock and increase strain and heat when you are just decreasing the life of the CPU?

Anyways.... you would see a difference if everything was not running smoothly with a .3 clock. But it will not be amazingly drastic.