Is there an end time prophet or prophecy thereof that is believeable, be it


Apr 21, 2008
Daniel or even John in Revelation? Hint: Daniel, who had "night visions" from reading the f-law,
was finally told shut up and seal it until "the time of the end".
The time of the end is "the time of reformation": born again,
not of corruptible law, but incorruptible grace mercy peace,
speaks of Christ is the end of the f-law.

Hint: John 15:15 servants (prophets) = know nots,
and they "know not what their master (law) doeth".
So then, let's all be friends k-now .................. But
in Revelation 1:1 John is still a (know not) "servant";
which makes Revelation prophecy the best of spam.

Hint: Romans 5: thrice, grace is "much more" than f-law.
Law entered the human race so offence would abound,
but where f-law abounds, grace "much more" abounds;
till in the end already written there is no f-law, only grace.
So then the obvious winner of the human "race" is grace.

Hint: 1Corinthians 13:8 states
whether (f-law) prophecies (of servants), they shall "fail":
- f-law tongues shall "cease" (not suffered to continue)
- f-law knowledge shall even "vanish" (Hebrews 8:13)
So then it's Poof (not Puff) goes the dragon-ic f-law

Hint: Revelation 22:21 = THE END to endure unto, and
the end notably has no mention of any f-law whatsoever:
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [is] with you all. Amen.
Daniel GAVE prophecy, the book is an overlay of the endtimes.

Daniel was GIVEN vision by God. Yes, in the beginning the word was with God, the word being Jesus Christ and yes, Jesus said if you have seen the Me, you have seen the Father, So again yes, here is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

John GAVE prophecy, he was taken in the holy to the Millenium Day by God and told to record what He saw. John knew, the knowledge came by personal experience with God.

A man can choose what he wants or will believe, but if he desires to have truth, He will be able to believe the word of God through the manifestations of the Holy Spirit which will evidence itself.
(These prophecies are spiritual and not every man has the Holy Spirit dwelling in Him, so both in prophecy gave believable prophecy as their visions were revealed by God.)

Christ did not come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it. He rent the veil on the Cross, and gave us direct access to the Father. Now if a man desires Wisdom in these things, let Him ask God. James 1:5.

Yes, we are saved by Grace, but we are still under the law. The statutes and ordinances, rituals and traditions were done away with, but not the law.

Under Grace, God writes the law upon our Hearts, Romans 3:9-10.
Today, God once again has sent Prophets to warn us to turn back to Himself.

I believe these to be authentic:

This is good-The Land is Mourning (due to the sins of man):

God isn't far away. He didn't wind up the world-and leave us alone.
He is going to intervene in the world-as a matter of Mercy-to bring us back to Himself.

+Jesus, I Trust In You!
Here I Am, Lord.
How's this for a prophecy?

God believers will be the death of us all.

What do you think? Will it likely come true, or not?
2 Peter 3:3
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
A good reference bible will help to find related scriptures.
You will get somewhat more thatway,
Daniel's vsion truelly was way ahead of its time and applicable to the rise and fall of many nations.
John the Revelator, Thesalonians, other minor prophets too will give related info.
You will find so much in the way of direction, staying spiritually fit for the Rapture and coming days.
The 5 you have selected would indicate that there is no such prophecy. Thanks for asking.
"Is there an end time prophet or prophecy ... that is believable(sp)"?


Any person claiming to believe in a prophet or prophecy is an idiot.