Is there a way to wire my car with Christmas lights, and make them stereo activated?


New member
Apr 14, 2008
I want to line my car with Christmas lights, and i want to know if there is an adapter I should buy, or if I should hard wire them. Also, is there a known way to manipulate the lights so that I can add a switch to flick them on and off, and also, a way to make the lights pulse to the beat of my sound system? If the solution is "Go to Autozone and buy an $80 product" then need not respond. I'm doing this for fun, with the intentions of spending $40 maximum. Thanks.
With a 40 dollar budget you might luck out at radio shack and get a sound activated
party light. Maybe try a popular mall store named Spencers also.

With a cheap battery powered sound activated party light you might be able to open it and solder a lead onto the part that goes to the lights, then adapt your lights to this lead.

No guarantees, but if I were going to do this , I would start here.

Good Luck! - Sounds cool.
raw answer is yes its possible,

but due to the assumption that you have no clue on how to start i should say dont do it, and as a matter of fact i know you wont do it, why? because its expensive and uneconomically productive. its a big waste of time, money and equipment for a 1 minute chuckle on you car lights.

you have imagination, now go dream my way ward son.