Is there a name for people against religion?

Feb 4, 2013
Sort of like how people against Judaism are called anti-Semitics, or however it's spelled. What about people against religion in general?
No, not people who aren't religious. And anyway, Buddhists are atheists, since they don't believe in a deity, but still religious :p. Just people who hate religion the same way anti- Semitics oppose Judaism. NOT Atheism.
No, people hate Mormonism and think it's Satanic, people hate Muslims, there's hate everywhere. It's not just Jews. And Jews didn't kill Jesus, Jesus WAS Jewish, the frickin ROMANS killed Jesus. Anti-theism seems to be the term though.
True, Militant Atheists hate religion. However, militant atheists aren't the only ones, I'm sure. Kind of like how every raven is a crow, but not every crow is a raven?
THEY'RE NOT CALLED ATHEISTS. Atheists are just people who don't believe in a deity. True, some atheists hate religions, but some religions hate other religions. And LOL at the "intelligent/freethinkers" comment.
If they are against religion, they generally just call themselves Atheists I believe. And the people who are against the Jews are antisemites (the people) or anti-semitic (adjective).
Not against religion, per se. Just the god the religious worship. Anti-religious would be about it.
no it's just jews. ive never seen someone who is against all religion. jews have a bad rep what with the killing of jesus and all. and the the whole hurting people is not wrong thing.
Anti-theist perhaps? <-- against deities. I wouldn't say an atheist is against religion, they simply don't believe. There are however some atheist I have seen who wear the badge proudly, who like to bash other people for their beliefs, who tend do be aggressive and dogmatic towards anyone who thinks differently than they, and who take delight in doing so. Most atheist that I have met respect other peoples beliefs.
There are two; There are the Anti-theists for those who don't believe in a god and hate religion and there is another for someone who believes in a deity but hates religions, but unfortunately it has skipped my mind at this second.
atheist simply dont believe religions; people who are strongly against religion can be called anti-theists
Anti religious- for believe who hate religions. (all organised religions whether they believe in god or not)
NOTE: Anti religious can be theists also.

Anti theism- for people who hate theism (the belief in god i.e)

Anti-theist- for people who hate theists (i.e. the people who believe in god)