Is there a (free) internet service for speakers of English and German to converse?


May 22, 2008
I'd like to enhance my skills in German, but the area where I need the most work is in speaking. Is there any kind of website that allows you to converse (in actual speech) with others in foreign languages?
There is a company called Talkbean which offers lessons in various languages. I don't know if they offer German or not. I taught English via a webcam and headset to mostly Korean students. But I know that several other languages were offered. However it is not free. There are other online language companies. But you get what you pay for. So if it's free it's not gonna be any good.

If you know someone and wish to converse over the internet with them, you can do so quite cheaply through Skype. Go to Google to set this up. If you have that same headset and webcam, you can also see one another and hear one another. It costs nothing more than the internet connection. But you need to already know the person at the other end. Skype is like a telephone company in that regard. They're not going to go out there and find people for you to talk to.