is the samsung transform better than the lg optimus s?


New member
May 12, 2011
I have the lg optimus s but i want to get the transform if its better then the lg optimus s...should i stick to the lg or go for the samsung?
Stick with the Optimus. (Please dont hate me Samsung fans!):clubbing: The samsung intercept even with android 2.2 is still laggy and can't play many games very well. The samsung intercept also has slower internet speed, while the lg optimus s has a faster one. The lg optimus s in my opinion in my experience is a much better phone than the samsung intercept. The samsung interept has a 800 mhz processor but doesnt use it very well while the lg optimus s has a seperate graphice chip so it plays games pretty well and also has the ability to use live wallpapers, along with a 600mhz processor , but it has a different processor, its newer, which you can see in the phone because the lg optimus s has hardly any lag . I love it, Its so much faster than the lg optimus s and is much more reliable. :D