is the humor/ art style of this comic likable? How could it be improved?


New member
Mar 11, 2011
I want to be a cartoonist/illustrator and i read somewhere to ask people about your work. Specifically what all is WRONG with it. The last time i took someone's advice it was an improvement and I'm glad i asked, so I'm doing it again. This isn't a specific story, just a little something I made to (hopefully) be submitted to the teen's section of my local newspaper. Do you think it will make it? Be honest, I'm not looking for compliments.
to Axel Rose:

yes, I know it needs shading. It's a newspaper comic, so I wanted to go with a simpler style. I enjoy shading, but I left it out for the simplistic style of the newspaper. Thank you, though.
to C T:

don't worry, my teacher said a 6-panel would be just fine. i'm not part of a syndicate, this is just amateur "show your talent" stuff. Yeah, next time I think I'll designate a place for the speech bubbles. The fonts were a PAIN! Thanks for your answer.
Cute! I love your comical art style! A little constructive criticism though, even in the most cartoon-y drawings, you should always make sure the hair isn't so flat against their head. You can tell if the hair is too flat by finishing the head as a complete circle/oval, and then adding the hair a little bit above the top of the circle.

In response to another answer I read, I don't think shading is too important when doing a comic like that. Great job! Keep up the good work!
One thing that would help is shading. Right now the whole thing looks flat. If you put shadows, and even little things like wrinkles in the clothing, it would make it look a bit more realistic.

Also, some more background even if it's just a solid color would make it look less flat. The plain white in the background is uninteresting.

Fingers could use some work, maybe try to thicken them or something?

Still, I think shading would help the most right now.
im not sure how ur newspapers work where u live, but id say it was a lil lengthy, 6 panels is a lot for a newspaper, generally ive seen very few comics with that many. Also i think u should use a bigger font