Is the Christian God on vacation, or possibly laid off his job and currently...


New member
Feb 25, 2013
...unemployed in the 21st century? I mean, he was active a few thousand years ago, guaranteeing safe passage across split seas, turning rods into snakes, turning water into wine, killing the firstborn sons of Egyptians, etc. Did the Christian God relocate to another universe to look for credulous worshipers?
Yeah, unfortunately, the current economic state has took a toll on God too. He's been laid off by the Council of Rationality and can now be usually found on Old Jenkins Street, in the south, begging for money.
Who is "God"??? I have an idea ... old testament ... Ezekiel starting @chapter 40 ... There is verse after verse after verse of "Measurements" for a structure God commanded to be built. Modern theologians and architects studied those measurements and built a model "exactly" to scale. They determined the only viable use for the structure was "A Space Port". The biblical description of the arrival of god also is virtually identical to that of a rocket/spacecraft landing. Do the research yourself.
More than on vacation, I think his believers created his imaginary day-job where he actually cares about human affairs.
A thousand years from now, if there are any people at all, they will still be going to church and worshiping that same old god.

None of those people will have the slightest idea you ever existed.