Is she interested or just being friendly?


New member
Nov 25, 2011
Ok so there's this girl that I met a month ago because we are both in some club at school that goes to various places to do community service. 2 saturdays ago we went to the local food bank and helped out and we started talking about random things but it was a group conversation as there were about 6 other people at the place. Things really start to get interesting this past saturday when we went to volunteer at the country club and we all had to go dressed up nicely. There were 6 girls and only 2 guys her brother and me. I still didn't know her name or anything and then her brother asked what my name is and all and saying that they were brother and sister. Well anyways when i stood next to her she can't twirling her hair while i was next to her. We started to actually get talking when she approached me and said "You know what that old guy over there told me?" I asked her what. And she said "you know how we aren't supposed to let them pass through that door, well i told him no and he said don't worry and he winked at me". I don't why she would tell me. She also told me after i asked her if she had gone to a high school football game and she said yeah. "Yeah i went and my mom picked me up in the rival football team side and me(her) and some guy started to tell each other off and he told me btw what's your number cause I think your cute". I asked her what she said and she said "(Giggling) hmm umm no". So why would she tell me these two stories about the old guy winking at her and that other guy asking for her number and thinking she's cute. Someone please tell me the signs if she likes me. Btw i saw her on monday but didn't say anything to her cause she was with friends and i noticed she was twirling her hair but idk.
She wants to see if you think she's cute too! She's interested, so you should keep talking to her. Next time she brings up one of those stories, say "well, you ARE cute!". It's what she wants to hear!:)