Is Sarah Palin living proof that God is liberal and has a very good sense of humor?

I just realized that the Testicles dude with the Peter Griffin pic is a troll.
He called Sarah Palin intelligent.
I can't stop laughing

If you want anyone to buy that stuff you need to tone it down. lol wow that was too much.
I'm gonna go to sleep because you just can't top that one.
This is why Washington is full of nothing but a bunch of crooks and liars and nobody that is good and honest from both or either party run's for office. They are destroyed and we laugh and cheer about it. It is sad what we have become.
God is a conservative. (S)He has a weird sense of humor that I can argue from my experience I don't find at all amusing.

Sarah Palin is a charismatic but fatally flawed quitter. She just proved to the country that she does not have the temperament to hold national office (even in the house of representatives.). She can't take the heat so she fled the kitchen.
A God played no part in "flash in the pan" Palin, Atheism has never been so popular.
No, you're starting from a shaky premise. "god exists," nobody has any evidence of that.
God is liberal and has a good sense of humor? Every monotheistic God I've ever read about was a megalomaniacal dictator hellbent on having people tell him how great he is incessantly.
I dont' believe that God has a political affiliation. I think that God is on the side of the human race as a whole, not on people who would rather bicker over whose belief is more correct rather than actually trying to work together to get our country out of trouble. But I completely agree with the idea that God has a sense of humor. He's have to, I mean look at all the crazy crap us humans do!

Edit: umm, Attention, she said that she had good foreign policy experience because she could see Russia from Alaska. An intelligent politician would never argue that.
I dont' believe that God has a political affiliation. I think that God is on the side of the human race as a whole, not on people who would rather bicker over whose belief is more correct rather than actually trying to work together to get our country out of trouble. But I completely agree with the idea that God has a sense of humor. He's have to, I mean look at all the crazy crap us humans do!

Edit: umm, Attention, she said that she had good foreign policy experience because she could see Russia from Alaska. An intelligent politician would never argue that.
Yes, it's proof that God has a good sense of humor.

If God has a GREAT sense of humor, we will learn that Palin quit because her 14 year old daughter actually did get knocked up.
That a ticket of her and McCain won in several states in the South is proof that we should have let them go.