is religion bad for kids?


New member
Jan 23, 2011
my mother is a Muslim, she's very extreme and violent, then again I've been to church and church goers are not my cup of tea either ........ Buddhism ???? I dunno
what a childish questin?someday you will ask that is primary education bad for kid?your mother is a muslim but she does not represent the whole muslim know the right of children in islam please study islam and you will be surprise to know the fact that how religion is good for of luck
I agree with the second answer, not all religions are violent or abusive, if they are then yes it is bad for kids and anyone. But I come from a catholic family and I was brought up catholic. I don't have too much against catholics but my parents never really gave me a choice, I had work it out for myself that religion really isn't for me.

I think, if your religious, you should bring up your kids in that religion and then talk to them about religion when you think they are able to think in a mature manner and let them choose for themselves.

So I say religion isn't BAD for kids unless it is putting them in harm
Abuse is bad. Obviously.
And in my opinion religion being introduced to children at a very young age is wrong when it's brought in the wrong way. For example, at primary school a man would come to my class and my teacher would leave, he would tell us stories and sing songs about jesus/god/everything else. But there was never any talk like "You're going to heaven if you believe in this.. etc."
But my mum would tell my I would go to hell if I didn't believe in god and that scared me. I'm not a religious person but I just think letting a child naturally choose what they want to believe is the right thing to do.
It's not bad because children are much more open minded. If you implement your thoughts on to them when they're a child, then when they are older it's up to them to choose when they know all the facts. Whereas if you don't teach them anything they'll become ignorant to it. And ignorance causes hatred.
Indoctrination is bad for kids. As is abuse ("she's very extreme and violent").

If you must seek out a religion, it needs to be on your own terms. My search led me to atheism.
I don't think it is. Although, when a child gets to a certain age, i think you need
to explain to them that they have freedom to chose what religion they follow, not just yours.
kids without JESUS,are like new buildings without foundation.
JESUS is the only foundation i will choose for my buildings,because he is the stone ,while others just sand,soil,air,water and hay.
No it is not bad at all.

In Islam, we and it is the last religion and the one that should satisfy all our humanity needs .. there is a real big part of Islam is directly related to the kids and their begining life ..

Please read about Islam from its right resources and not from the media or non-muslims articles.


Thank you