is perfoming karate katas good exercise?


New member
Nov 7, 2011
i enjoy doing them and it gets me sweating and out of breath but is it a good for of exercise

i teach myself
i say kata.....................its more like doing a mix of punches and kicks over and over again

i only teach myself for self defence. i dont want to be a black belt or anything i just want to know that i would be able to stand up for myself it i was mugged or raped as i am only 5 foot and not very intimidating at all
You teach yourself?

Practicing kata can's not an exercise per say or at least it's not intended to be that. If you get a sweat out of it, then yeah you are exercising but I wouldn't go through a kata for the sake of getting a good workout. I have a kettlebell for that.

You'll get more out of practicing a kata (Under an actual Instructor and not yourself unless you've had several years of experience with a martial art) if you go through the proper body mechanics and practice the applications of the techniques. That's what kata is for. If you get a workout, fine, but focus on what kata is for and not for what it's not.
When done with the proper technique, it can be.

If you teach yourself, you will not learn proper technique you will not learn any self-defense, and you will not be able to stand up for yourself.

You need proper instruction under a qualified teacher to correct your mistakes, and sparring partners.