is my twin brother gay or bisexual he make out with me?


Jun 9, 2008
my twin brother and i are not very close to each other there are times that we fight, there is always a Competition and jealousy. one thing that we don't get along and we are not really close its because im gay and he is straight. he has a girlfriend for a long time but i always tease him that he is in denial and gay. one time at the bar me and my brother are partying so hard together with my guy friends and his girl friends. i don't know what really happened that night because i was so drunk and i heard everybody is shouting "make out with him" and when i looked back my brother hug me and make out with me. the next day his girl friends made a comment to his face book that it was hot and that make them horny. they even take pictures of us. but the sad part his long time gf broke up with him telling him that he is a bisexual and nasty that he make out or hook up with his twin brother. me and my brother talked about it and he told me he is just having fun and doesn't mean anything at all and we are now friends. now im thinking if my twin brother is gay or bisexual. what can you say about this? thanks for the answer
If you guys are that competitive, I think it was more of a sarcastic way of making fun of your orientation some more in front of his drunk straight friends. I think only a straight guy would do that, if he were gay it'd be an unexpressed he'd kept to himself because there would be feelings attached to it. If you liked your brother would you admit it by acting on it, probably not.
one family love unless its brotherly love is wrong in every way and if i his girlfriend is such a dummy that she can see that hes a great guy its her loss
I think you should really talk to him about this even more seriously.
Are you in love with him? It's a big difference between being gay and being in love with your twin.
If you indeed are in love with him, There's a huge chance he is also in love with you. He doesn't has to be gay. A little bisexuality is enough.
Sexual attraction between twins happens almost all the time. Just that not everyone feels free to speak out loud about it. You two shared life even before birth. He is the closest person to you.
It's natural. You just have to be honest with him and tell him what you feel and also, ask if he feels the same way. He might deny it, but you will be able to read through his actions and tell if he's telling the truth or not.
If he's just denying it, give him a little time and show him that you know he likes you.
If you DON'T like him in that particular way, let him act like "it meant nothing". If he tries to make out with you again or anything like that, you have to talk to him about this and also explain him that you don't feel ok with it.

Sorry 4 my English. Just trying to help ya bud.