Is my sister being the subject of a rumor?


May 9, 2008
My little sister is in 6th grade. She's very shy and quiet and has no real friends. There are about 16 people in her class I estimate, and there's this boy who keeps going around, telling their classmates that she stares at him. Even though she does stare into space, she doesn't repeatedly look at only person for a long time, and he still keeps saying to their classmates that she stares at him even though she tries to keep her eyes off him. He thinks she likes him even though he has mimicked her, laughed at her misfortunes, and is just really mean to her in general. A girl in math class jeered in class that they KNOW that she likes him even though it's absolutely false. Another boy in their class has given her a dirty look and muttered angrily, "Don't look at me!" She feels that it wasn't uncommon for people to ask her questions about it and has gotten frustrated. A girl she was friendly with said to her with a mean smile, "Aaron doesn't like you 'cause you stare at him!" The boy who has been telling people that she stares at him always tries to avoid her, and she is unable to defend herself. He even has yelled at her not to look at him even though she doesn't even know he's there. She has came home crying before. I'm really concerned about my sister.
typo: "look at only 1 person" This boy really hates my sister.
Tell the principal that she is being bullied. I know how she feels, it may feel like tattling, but trust me, it's not. When I was in 6th grade I had the same habit to stare into space, and people were really mean. It actually turned into physical violence, and I had thoughts about suicide.
Then my mom went to the principal, and now I'm having the time of my Life!
No ofence but i don't think it's that serious because someone claims ur looking at them and ur not u come home crying .... I mean yes rumors are pretty hurtful but I think she'll get over it pretty soon hopefully ?
Teach her how to stand up for herself. If she is queit she needs to get over that and stand up for herself. I should know, I used to be super queit I learned to stand up for myself and its made a huge difference. Trust me. But you should tell her teachers