is my friend the anti christ?


New member
Oct 22, 2008
she follows the old gods such as Thor she said that she hates how evil some people are to animals as shes sees all living things as equal to each other and gets really offended if someone asks if shes Christian. She said she agrees with assisted suicide for very ill people if it is completely their choice. Although she says she loves all living things she is completely against Christianity as she doesn't agree with any religion forces itself on people and also that people have done truly horrible things in the name of the Christian god. so is she evil or just different opinion ?
susan she actually admits and accepts that jesus exsists and was probably the son of god but she also believes that he was another demi god like Heracles (Hercules) who also worshipped his father
Taco she is definitely not suicidal not suicidal she loves life she just believes that if people are terminally ill they should have a right to choose when they die her view on this has been strengthened since she started working in a dementia home as she has seen just how horrible it gets for them especially near the end and said that if an animal was like this they would be put to sleep as in later dementia they have no quality of life at all
Get her autograph

Really though, she thinks different from you, so that automatically makes her Satan?
No. Religion doesn't matter. It is irrelevant to everything.
The word 'anti' means "against." You can probably figure it out. Also, the anti-Christ will not confess that Jesus came in the flesh and was the son of God.
No she is not. If she was then I would be the antichrist as well because I carry similar beliefs and as far as I know there's only one antichrist. It's just a different opinion.
he Bible prophesies an end-time figure who opposes Christ—the Antichrist—but the meaning of the term antichrists encompasses more than just the end time. This term literally means "against Christ" and is variously defined as "adversary of Christ" or "opponent of Christ" and as a title or proper name for a specific individual who opposes and claims to be Christ.
Yep, she is definitely the anti-Christ. 'Cause that makes sense.
Probably of differing opinion, but I can agree that many of the things you posted do point to signs of unholy tainting in the said individual. That being said, I'd like you to do a few things just to confirm the severity of the scenario:
Have you already tried reading verses from the old testament to see if she howls like a banshee?
Have you ever attempted dousing her in holy water to check for a hidden pentagram on her forehead
Does she ever draw circles and then chant to summon demons out of them?
Have you ever noticed the fact that her eyes may go from whatever brown, blue, or green hue to a coal black that seems to stare into your soul?
If any of these occur, you may want to contact your nearest priest. Or the Ghostbusters.
But also, Thor is a cool guy, the antichrist aint got nothing on Thor and he hates him because of it.