Is my friend avoiding me?


New member
Aug 23, 2013
Okay so we're facebook friends and we talk quite often but I never go harass him I wait for him to say Hi first! However the other day I said hi to him! Which he was cool about we'd kinda missed eachother cause we hadn't spoken in a few days.
Point in hand: When I log onto facebook just these past few days he logs off then on every few he avoiding me and blocking my name in chat? Like I said I don't go after him... I wait but I spend a while on there anyway cause I am new to it and I like to read my news feed first and post some new status's that I think are whitty and probabally make me just look lame.... then I post to some other friends sometimes.....
What do you mean it dosent sound like we're friends? I mean like a follower on twitter its called friends list! My question is is he avoiding me?