Is Judaism still waiting for the Messiah?


New member
Mar 17, 2013
Just curious, I am a Christian.. I do believe that Israel is a God's choosen nation. but I heard Judaism doesnt believe that Jesus is the Christ. NOW I have two questions to Judaism people.
1st.. Are you still waiting for Christ
2nd Do you still practicing burn offerings based from the teachings of Moses.

Thank you so much.
My guess is yes. Otherwise, it seems that all Jews would have either converted to other religions or abandoned religion altogether.

There are several different schools of thought within Judaism, some may take the concept of the Messiah more literally than others. Orthodox and Hassidic Jews take it very literally from what I understand.
No, Judaism isn't still waiting for the messiah. Judaism is our religion.
Yes, Jews are still waiting for the messiah -- a great leader (human!) who will work together with God and man to bring about universal peace and brotherhood. UNIVERSAL -- peace for everyone regardless of religion or "belief."

Jesus, rather than creating peace on earth, created an exclusive place of eternal torment for non-believers. Have we ever had a time of universal peace? Obviously, the messiah hasn't been here yet.

The idea that one person could die for another's sins, or the concept of a dying/saving Messiah was not known in Judaism even in the time of Jesus, but it was a concept found all over the ancient pagan world.

In the Christian New Testament, Paul often makes a comparison between one's faith and one's works or deeds. To Paul, it is the faith in Jesus as one's personal savior that removes the guilt of sin and enables one to get to heaven. Since salvation from eternal damnation is Paul's main concern, he believes that salvation is a main concern of Judaism. Because he sees faith as the means to salvation from eternal damnation, and since Judaism is a religion of law, he states that in Judaism, the obedience to Jewish law is our means to salvation. He is completely wrong on all counts.
There is simply no place in the Torah, or the rest of the Bible, or in the Talmud or in any other book of Judaism, that indicates that the Jews in the time of Jesus, before or since, ever believed that we needed to keep the laws of God in order to be justified, forgiven for our sins, to be made righteous, or to remove our guilt for our sins. The Jews never obeyed God's laws in order to get into heaven. Keeping God's laws brings heaven into the here and now. Because we keep God's eternal laws, His commandments, it brings the Eternal God into our lives and puts us into a direct relationship with God as we obey him.
Christianity begins with the belief that all are sinners and life begins with the taint of Original Sin; therefore, life begins with guilt. This belief in Original Sin and the sinful nature of man, require a channel for forgiveness or righteousness. Christian beliefs find this in the death of Jesus for the atonement of sins.
According to Judaism, our nature is not sinful, and one does not become a sinner until one disobeys the commandments, until one disobeys Jewish law. We are not born with any guilt for any sin, and we do not obey God's laws to obtain forgiveness. I only need forgiveness if I disobey God's law. The need for forgiveness is preceded by the disobedience, and not the other way around.
Because Judaism rejects the idea of Original Sin, we have no need of Jesus, or God's law, to bring us forgiveness. We need God's laws to enhance our lives, to give structure and discipline to our lives.

Yes, they are waiting for the messiah, but most do not recognize the sacrifices established by Mosses. Some do keep the Sabbath, most don't
to say they're waiting is rather an overstatement. it's a minor point in their religion.

judaism is about striving to live as an example for all people of a righteous life, here and now. they don't put much thought into what comes after. they see it as their goal to bring about the messianic age, not to sit around and wait for it.
I am not a Jew, but a couple of my friends are.

The female friends that I have keep their family name after marriage.
The reason is as best as I can understand it is this.
The family name provides proof of the line of David.
The king line that the Messiah is going to come from.
So if you can prove that your family is of that lineage, then if your child happens to
become the Messiah it is all good by the scriptures.
SO my answer to your question, based upon my friends is, YES the Jews are still waiting for the Messiah.
JEWISH answer: We are waiting for the Jewish Messiah/Messianic age. We are not waiting for Christ. Jesus failed to meet the qualifications, just like countless others.

2. There have been no sacrifices since The Temple was destroyed in 70 C.E. Blood is NOT a requirement to atone for sin and it never was