Is Java programming sufficient to develop apps for Android?


Active member
May 11, 2008

As I asked, is Java programming sufficient to develop apps for Android such as 2D games or media players? I used Eclipse to make a few apps from tutorials online but I don't understand the codes, is it Java that is used to make apps or is it some other programming language made specifically for Android?
Thank you!
Thank you, Turd Furguson! You have the "Best answer" just as soon as I can choose it.
I use NetBeans. Android is something I plan on pursuing in earnest before the end of 1st quarter of 2011. As I understand it, a style of Java coding is compiled against Android classes and that in turn makes javascript-style calls on the Android engine, which is pretty clever. I can think of several things I want to do besides SmartPhones after I get into Android.
Android = Java.
iPhone = Objective C.

That being said, Java is absolutely sufficient for developing Android applications.