Is it wrong not to care what happens to my best friend's disrespectful daughter?

Feb 15, 2008
My friend's daughter, age 37, just found out that she needs major surgery to have a pancreatic cyst removed. She is disrespectful and verbally and emotionally abusive to her mother and stepfather. Of coure my friend who I love dearly (we're been best friends for 15 years,) is very concerned, (and I'm sure will have her 2 grandchildren dumped on her to watch for the next few months for no money, and no appreciation or even a thank you, which is typical and infuriates she absolutely HATES to babysit by the way.) I have a vacation planned during the time she will be in the hospital and my friend of course wants me to be there for her. I am NOT going to cancel this vacation...I would it were her that was going into the hospital, but not for that rotten, selfish, nasty, uncaring off-spring of hers.I honestly don't give a crap what happens to her daughter, she tried to disrepect me once and I let her have it, so she doesn't mess with me. What do you think I should do?As much as I love my friend and want to be there for her, I'm just thinking of avoiding her and this whole situation until it's over. I suffer from bipolar disorder, severe anxiety and PTSD and this type of drama will surely push me over the edge...and in the demanding job that I have, in a company that constantly downsizing and can not afford to be ill.My friend knows how I feel about her daughter. I don't hate her, but I dislike her intensely for the way she treats her mother and stepfather. She's a rude, miserable woman who needs a big attitude adjustment and realize that people aren't there to wait on her hand and foot and order around like a bunch of slaves and not shown the least bit of the world owes her.
oooh, wow. i agree. i wouldn't cancel my vacation either. I know toooo many people that think the world owes them. it's like reality check bi... you aren't any more special than the next person, get a life.i would explain to her what bothers you and why you maade the decision to stay or go.hopefully your friend will understand though. because it would really suck to lose a friend over something like that.good luck.
It sounds to me a bit like "this is my revenge for you being such a nasty person to me".. does that not make you as bad as her? Fair enough, she has been nasty, I can see that loud and clear. But she didn't cause this illness to hurt you - how would you feel if you were here having major surgery? I think that regardless of how other people behave towards you, you should not stoop to their level in order to prove a point. If you were to go on your holiday - you should go on it because you want to, not because you hate this lady. How would you feel if she didn't make it through the surgery? Your best friend would be devastated - I'm sure you would care in that sense. The word forgiveness springs to mind. x
i think you never should put your own mental health in jeapordy for matter what!! i see a therapist who told me i was giving too much and not getting enough back....and frankly i have friends like that....of course theyre kids are only I CANT STAND THEM! theyre spoiled rotten brats and i dont like them teaching my son how to behave that stay the expense of my friendship because its better for your mental and stable heath. its ok to stay friends and be there for them...just dont drop everything especially a well needed vacation for it!!
Go on your vacation. The issue is not yours, and your mental health is more important. I'm bipolar and very much understand needing down time from work that is free of drama, not to mention minimal drama in my life as a whole. Your friend should understand. At the same time, try to recognize that something made the daughter the way she is. Ppl don't grow into such nasty, selfish ppl of their own volition.... I also wouldn't rip on your friend's daughter when you explain why you need your vacation and can't be there to help your friend throughout. It is her daughter, after all.