Is it worth spending time and money on a nutrition expert?


New member
Nov 30, 2008
Is it worth spending time and money on a nutrition expert?Most of them suggest meals which are very idealistic and cannot be followed. I read Rujeta Diwekar's "Don't lose your mind;lose your weight", and found it to be quite appealing. She suggests eating pretty frequently. Now,I'm in a dilemma whether to prepare my own diet chart based on the book, or consult an expert(very difficult to identify an expert in this field, though).Can anyone throw some light?Ideally, it would have been great if I had someone to take care of my diet as well as fitness programs, but I would like to take public opinion first.
The book you read has the right idea. Eat frequently, but small, healthy portions. If you eat healthy foods several times a day, you should notice results without consulting a nutritionist. If after a month of so goes by and your new diet doesn't work for you, consider consulting someone then. Get a couple healthy recipe books so that you have variety in your diet.