Is It worth restoring a 1991 Toyota pickup truck?


May 15, 2008
Hello Everyone, I want to give my son a 1991 Toyota pick-up truck that has 160k miles on It. My son wants to restore this pickup truck for himself and add a bunch of different things to the engine and Inside. Do you think that Its worth the money for him to do that? Or would he just be wasting time and money doing so? Thanks.
That is a very good year for Toyota and popular with the young kids. The motor can be rebuilt inexpensively and if your son chooses to upgrade the engine with some aftermarket goodies it will make the truck stronger and a lot more foun. By all means give him a chance to show you what he can do and be glad he likes trucks and does not get into grugs or weed or dope.
I know some of us old timers may not understand but I do believe its more about some memories your sun has with you and the truck. and besides 160k is barely broke in there are tons of 90s Toyota that have gone 300 thousand to 500 thousand miles no problem the resale value is excellent as well.
If you are asking about making a profit by restoring an old pickup, then unless he gets parts free or at a big discount, no, it's not going to be worth it.
BUT, if you are talking about giving him something that will keep him busy (and hopefully happy), teach him a lot about cars and tools, give him real practical experience and, if he does it well, give him a real sense of achievement, then that's pretty much what Dads are for. If you can help him out a bit while he's doing it, so much the better.
Unless you know the car really well, or are a mechanic yourself, get a full report on it from an independent mechanic or auto club. Just so you know the worst before he starts.
always better to pass it on to someone else and get new yourself