Is it worth it to get a $200 android tablet just for games?


May 13, 2008
The nexus 7 2 was leaked for $220 and I am scratching my head if it would be worth it to buy it with a controller just for gaming

How is the quality of android games these days? I mean the "core ones" do they match up to a good 3DS game?
No way. If games is all you want you should just buy a kindle fire. Or even an Xbox or ps
No. Tablets only have games like angry birds and then top down RPGs with colorful graphics and a good story. Then those really awkward shooters. Just get a 3DS..
Let me say it like this: the games on phones and tablet aren't nothing but appetizers. You might find a good game, but if you want games, gaming portables and consoles are pretty much the meat and potatoes, and you'll have a better satisfaction with them. So before I go to the point of being hungry, not really. The few things on Android that kept me on my Nexus 7 were probably emulators and YouTube.