Is it weird to feel ready for sex at 15?


May 21, 2008
Hello. i'm a teenager girl whos 15 years old and i feel ready for sex.
It's weird, a few months i ago i used to vomit (over exaggeratipn) at the thought of sex and the thought of a penis, and the thought of someone rubbing my breasts or licking my private area. Now i want it, i now love having my breats felt for some reason, i used to feel nothing now it feels amazing.
Theres this guy whos in love with me, ive known him for 3 years, but were not officially boy friend or girl friend yet, we just know we have something going on for eachother and hes had a crush on me for 3 years. I rreally want to give him something, cause hes such a sweet boy and i know how to lap dance and stuff so im ready to do that.

Is this normal to feel this way and want to do these things at my age?
why am i feeling like this?
What should i do about it?
Any advice?

Thankkyoouu <3