is it true that the mazda rx8 is wel knowing 4 rusting?


Jun 2, 2008
ive been told by friends that the mazdarx8 is well knowing 4 rusting is this true cause im considering buyin 1 would any1 recommend 1
i havent see any car with 5 years get rust, the rx8 is on the market for about only 6 years how can be possible to get rust in that short time?

unless your friend dont give good care of their cars that is the only possible way to the car get rust in a short time

tell your friends dont use salt to defrost their cars LOL
Why post the same question twice?
As before, it's not a problem I've heard of. Some owners report rust forming on the sills, but I think it's mostly surface based due to thin paint - there are no horror stories of cars going rotten.

Re above: Yes, very odd: apparently you're advised to check oil level at every other fuel fill, but they don't have a reputation for using oil - see my link on the previous question
RX8 what a car, twin rotary - problems, oil consumption and servicing costs, i had one for a short while when i was a motor trader, rust ? no problem that i noticed and as i say i was a trader, and enjoyed the car so much i kept it for a few weeks for personal use, try getting a jap import (rust free on any car) alternatively, check out mitsi FTO Jap import, again, cheaper to keep, and great fun !
I've not heard this. They did however had a lot of problems with using oil. It was advised at one point to check the engine oil level every time you filled up with petrol!

Havn't heard the one about rust though. . .

Re JG, Yeah the oil thing was when they came out at first, some used oil, some didnt! It was just down to luck whether you got a good 1 or not. And the ones that used oil didnt use it gradualy, it'd be fine for weeks then one day be at minimum. Mazda couldnt explain it and it was never an official recall. Weirdo rotary setup, I've never worked on one and I never want to either!