Is it the timing,situation chance, rite place at that time that makes a person


May 21, 2008
consider you as a love interest? I mean do you believe you have to put yourself there make a effort,or if things are meant to be fate will find a way to make them happen?
Well what ever you think, you are not going to get into a valid relationship asking silly questions in Y!A. Turn off your computer, go out & meet someone new every day.
Here is what I believe:

Life is just a series of circumstances. You can't change it, and it will crap on you.
You just have to decide what you do with those circumstances and situations. Will you stay on the outfield, and observe, or will you try to play it. All life is experiences and memories. And in the end of the days, thats all we will ever have, memories.

And fate...well, there is fate. Sometimes, count yourself lucky for fate. It can save you from making a really bad decision.

Now for love interest.
Sometimes life keeps it from happening. (depending on your moral ground. You can still chase someone that has a boyfriend/girlfriend whatever)
It depends on situations. Sometimes it won't work, and you'll wonder "maybe that person was the one." But here is a little advice: There are 3 billion people of the opposite sex out there. Different ages, different places, your 'one' could be anywhere.
MY best advice: find someone that is close to your perfect match. You'll never find the perfect one, so settle with the closest you can get, and they'll become your perfect match.

Little cynical and pessimistic, I know, but that's life.
Yes and yes.

Don't think for a second that your perfect partner is going to magically appear in your living room without any input/effort on your part.