Is it spoiled for a 12 year old to get an Iphone 4?


Jul 4, 2008
So I have a Xbox 360 (Chrismas)
A PS3 (Bday Pres)
A Netbook (Dif bday pres)
A kindle
2 dogs
Ipod first gen (no cam)
A old ds
A old psp
3 or 4 Airsoft guns
See, people on Y!A don't care. So brag to your mom, maybe you'll get more stuff, or maybe even grounded. Anything that will make you shut up.
Its just strange for a 12 year old to want a that age I was still rolling in mud and just being dumb kid. New generation I guess...
Yes, my family makes me work for things. Oh well, that just me life going to be a b**ch when you have to go out on your own when you turn 18 Sooooo GOOD LUCK!
Yeah, it really is. But from the sound of it you are already spoiled. I really hope your dad doesn't lose his job or you'll be screwed and still want everything but you can't get. Spoiled bxtch. And I have to get a job just to afford and get the stuff I need and want.
You are "f u c k i n g" spoiled alright. It would be spoiled for any 12 year old to even have a regular cell phone. Include all that on your list, you should never complain about things you own ever again