is it recommended for a tiptronic BMW to shift to "N" while waiting for...


Jun 17, 2008
...the traffic lights to change green? is it recomended for a tiptronic car to shift to "N" while waiting for the traffic lights to change green? or is it better to always leave it on "D" no matter what while driving it in the city?. someone told me is better to shift to "N" because the engine and tranny "rests", someone else told me is beter to just leave it on "D" all the time since is cheaper to pay for new breaks rather than a new tranny. is there an expert out there that could explain this with real mechanic knowledge? i have a BMW 323i and i just want to take good care of it and wonder what the "N" is for if youre not supposed to use it often, i mean whats the difference between "P" and "N" if youre not supposed to shift it while driving in the city
will this shifting to "N" and "D" while driving into a stop light extend the life of the tranny? or will it shorten it, please explain the reason