Is it really compassion to spend our children's future to ensure that the...


New member
Jun 3, 2008
...poor and elderly have everything?
We spend 65% of our budget on Social Spending and Entitlements...(We only spend 20% on the Military).

Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid and the Medicare Prescription Drug Program represent a $48,000,000,000,000.00 THAT'S FOURTY-EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS which is over four times the current National Debt. Also the equivalent of fighting 48 Iraq Wars!!!

Isn't it time we say, I want to help...but we simply cannot afford it!
Austin W.:'s FIFTY-FOUR PERCENT...still IT'S THE MAJORITY OF OUR SPENDING. When you add Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid and "Other Manditory".
Austin: Your Grandparents had a responsibility to prepare for your own care...not suck up your poarents money to care for them so that they couldn't fund your college. Your priorities are totally reversed!
C.N. : Did you watch the videos? Who said anything about "The richest one percent". You could literally CONFISCATE ALL OF THEIR WEALTH AND IT WOULDN'T BE ENOUGH TO PAY FOR ALL OF THIS!!!! Your logic is stuck on stupid!
Don't worry, your children will be part of the poor and the dems will take care of everything.
if it were the only cost, perhaps.

but we're also saving the spotted owl habitats, researching naked mole rat mating habits, and throwing trillions of dollars at special interest groups that simply need to find their own private money. once we rid ourselves of the burden of feeling we need to financially support every american's personal whim, we can correct our budget faster and easier. of course, no re-election minded politician (that would be all of them) will support losing funds for his rat studies.
Between 49 percent and 61 percent of illegal immigrants do not have a high school diploma.2
Illegal immigrants (27 percent) are more than twice as likely to live in poverty as nonimmigrant adults (13 percent). The children of illegals fare even worse, with a poverty rate of 37 percent, as compared to 17 percent for children from nonimmigrant families.3
Elderly low-skilled immigrants impose an average net cost (benefits consumed minus taxes contributed) of $17,000 per year.4
In FY2004, low-skill immigrant households contributed only $10,573 in taxes, but consumed $30,160 in government benefits. In other words, low-skill immigrant households consumed nearly twice the amount of government benefits ($19,588) as taxes paid ($10,573).5
Low-skill immigrant households impose an average lifetime net cost on U.S. taxpayers of nearly $1.2 million.6
Illegal Immigrants Already Use Medicaid Dollars

Even though illegal immigrants are not eligible to enroll in North Carolina’s Medicaid program, federal law requires treatment for anyone who needs emergency care. As a result, many illegals use Emergency Medicaid as their primary source of healthcare. Consider the following:

Between 2001 and 2004 total spending on Emergency Medicaid services for illegal immigrants in North Carolina increased by 28 percent.7
State Medicaid spending for illegals more than doubled between 2000 and 2005, going from $25.8 million to $52.8 million.8
As much as two-thirds of total operating costs in some hospitals is for uncompensated care for illegal immigrants. North Carolina hospitals had more than $1.4 billion in unreimbursed costs in 2003.9

That is just one state!