Is it possible to update satio from symbian^1 to symbian^3?

you cant update any symbian phone at all. i have a nokia e5 which is usin the symbian 3 and i want to update it to symbian anna. so i tried searching on google, but all the sites said that symbian cannot be updated, u just have to buy a phone that has upsdated os on it, like for symbian anna u have to buy nokia e6 or nokia x7 or anything like that but my e5 cant go higher or lower than symbian 3. well ihope i helped u!
the above answer in totally incorrect in every way and i suggest u ignore it. The e5 is s60, not symbian^3, and all symbian^3 devices get free firmware updates til atleast 2016, infact most s60 and s40 nokias will also keep getting updates. Updates are done by usb or by the sw app in ur phone if ur phone has fota.

Back to ur question, ur satio is symbian but unlike the nokias, u have a different way to update. See this link for more details on how to update.

like all phones, make sure ur usb cable is secure, ur battery is full, and u leave the charger plugged into the phone and wall.

U cant update from symbian^1 to symbian^2 to symbian^3 as they are all seperate operating systems that have their own updates within them.