Is it possible to remotely control an iPad from a Mac?


Mar 29, 2008
Hello! I have a question that seriously needs to be answered ASAP

I feel like my mom is controlling my iPad from her Mac computer, and being 15 this is a serious invasion of privacy for me. I have a lot of stuff on there, tumblr, skype, kik, whatever a 15 year old boy has on there. Anyways, I feel like she is controlling my ipad because as I was creating my new tumblr, my safari started randomly closing everytime I would try to type. I assumed it was just crashing, so I waited it out a little bit. Soon, this one tab started to keep opening, a tab that was private to me. It kept opening and kept opening until eventually I ended up closing the tab. I closed safari because I was kind of creeped out, and on my home page kik messenger started opening! I kept closing it and it kept opening, and kik messenger isnt even in the same location that the tab was. I decided to turn off the wifi on the ipad completely at that point, and all my problems were solved. I turned on 3g, and nothing was happening, though she could have been just watching. Then once I turn on wifi again it happens again. I go and see my mom downstairs to find her on her mac, and at that point as she saw me, nothing else was happening on my ipad. I asked her about it too, in which she refused to answer whether she was controlling my ipad or not. An incident like this has happened in the past too, where my ipad was bugging, and there she was on her mac. This is really troubling me, and does anybody know if maybe its just a glitch or if I can do something about this? Any help is appreciated, thank you!

(Might I also add that my iPad is an iPad 2 3g Jailbroken on iOS 5.1.1 or whatever it is. Also please don't say that she is my parent and has the right to spy on my or something, I'm looking for genuine helpful answers please, thank you)