Is it okay to look at porn if your wife is cold fish.?


Jun 17, 2008
When we first married eight years ago up until just a few months ago my wife has all ways been the horny one, sometimes I'd have to tell her no because she would want to do it five times a day! She used to dress up in sexy lingerie or miniskirts and do her make-up. But recently she doesn't seem to care if we do it or not. Now I'm the one usually begging and hinting around all day just to get the cold shoulder at night. I'm not used to this kind of treatment... this... this role reversal I guess you'd call it. Usually she'd be ready to go at the drop of a hat but I don't know what. Not being used to begging I often about once a week I wait until she falls asleep, tiptoe downstairs and jerkoff. I would much rather be having the kind of sex we used to have but since her fire has died it always seems forced and uncomfortable even when she does uncross her legs. I asked her why she doesn't dress-up like princess Lea anymore and she just replied "why should I?" which is a good question one to which I only answered "because it makes you look sexy." Why should she indeed, but more importantly why did she before, and seem to enjoy it, but not now. That is the important question. She recently lost fifty pounds using some prescription diet pill, something like phenomen I think i't called, and I'm starting to think that it may have messed with her sex drive either that or she's being satisfied somewhere else. I'm pretty sure it isn't the latter so I have to assume it was the diet pills, which is ironic as hell: now that I'm more attracted to her than ever she has no sex drive. But when she wieghed nearly 200 lbs she was constantly trying to crush me beneath her weight.
Ok well you didnt like her before because she was over weight but had alot better sex drive, now she is way to sexy for you and now all of a sudden you want sex with her.

Your quite the selfish pig arent you! She is getting her sex somewhere else and looks like the tables have changed, she is the sexy one and your not so why should she have sex with you if you treated her the same way?

Good for her!
I definitely could tell that it has something to do with the diet pills she took...have done that before and that's what I noticed about myself..I lost my sex drive. Now, regarding your concern why don't you invite her to watch the porn together? My SO just did that to first it really pissed me off and while he's watching beside me and do his job I'm in very deep sleep and I don't care until one time I just woke up with tremble that I thought it was an earthquake and realized it was my SO...I felt guilty as I see him and since then I tried the best I could to be cooperative with him until later have realized I'm back to having a high sex drive. It will take all your patience and understanding though but you'll be compensated in the end.
Who do you dress-up as??? Maybe she isn't attracted to you... have you ever thought that? What I am getting at is you want her to do all this work for you so you can be turned on - ie dressing up, dieting, etc.- what do you do for her??? Porn is fine as long as she is ok with it or you would be ok with her looking at it as well.