Is it okay NOT to tell a future employer about your pregnancy before being hired?


New member
Nov 11, 2011
I work part time at an animal shelter right now, I only work 1 day a week at the front desk doing adoptions, intakes, ect. We have a full time position opening up for kennel duty, meaning I would be cleaning dog kennels and cat kennels. Problem is I'm 11 weeks 3 days pregnant and no one knows. We were waiting for our 12 week ultrasounds to tell everyone, including employers. So, should I disclose my pregnancy before my interview or should I wait til after I get the job? My boss told me I pretty much have the job, just have to go through the legalities. I'm worried because if I tell before they might decide not to hire me, if I wait til after I don't want them to think I screwed them over and have then resent me. With my pregnancy I can clean dog kennels, euthanize, and pretty much do all my duties except cleaning cat kennels which can cause toxemia. Help, what should I do? I really need this job, full benefits, sick pay, and I would be making twice the pay I make now with my two jobs then some.
Hmmm this is a tough one. Since you won't be able to do all the duties of the job, you would need to tell the employer before hand. But I understand that you stand the chance of them not hiring you because of that. If you tell them beforehand they will have to find someone else to clean the cat kennel and why would they want to do that when they can just hire one person to do all the duties. If you tell them after, they probably would be upset because you withheld information about performing one of the duties. I say, if you have a good relationship with your boss, speak to him privately and let him know straight up that you're pregnant and won't be able to clean the cat kennels and if he would still consider you for the position. That way you're being honest and not hiding anything. Just imagine them hiring you for that position and then you tell them after that you can't clean the kennnel. I think they would be pretty ticked off.
I wouldn't. I know lots of people who didn't tell. The times r tough and with that baby on the way you'll need it. They'd be discriminatory towards u if u were going to get it then didn't because u were pregnant. I got fired for getting pregnant for a second time! Its really none of their business. My good friend waited til she got a really great promotion and they didn't care!
I wouldn't say anything till you get the job. Does anyone work at the same time you do? Because if they do I would tell ONE person and have them help you with the cat kennels. If they hire you and then you tell them your pregnant you can get them in trouble.
Or you could do it this way which is a little more risky. Your only pregnant for 9 months so its not like you wont be able to clean the cat kennels for forever. You could talk to the boss and say I just found out i'm pregnant I am really interested in this job and I still would love to have it the only thing is I was wondering if you could work with me since I cant clean the cat kennels do to harm to the baby. Then your boss can't get mad you didn't tell them but then you have the chance of them saying never mind. But then again if you are a good worker they may just as well be willing to work with you.
No don't tell the unless they ask. You don't need to.

Tell them in a few weeks and that u didnt know you were pregnant when you were interviewed.
Tell them in this case because you are more susceptible to disease. In other cases some wait till that 14wk mark in case of miscarrage. But tell them seriously!!!
No you don't have to. But you do realise that part of your job is to clean cat kennels and as you said you can't... Your boss is going to give you the job only later to find out he needs to find someone to clean the cat kennels.. Which would be an inconvenience to him because then there would be 2 people doing this. Unless he took you right off that job and gave it to someone else.
Just my thoughts on it.