Is it OK to download torrents on a public network?


New member
Oct 24, 2010
Right now I want to download a torrent (copyrighted but inexpensive) on a public wifi network. What are the risks if I do?
Very Serious risk all illegal torrents download or being watched, if you have not been keeping up with the news you seriously need to. and see the fines that are being dished out. from the MARA First they will ask you for $3,000 for every illegal file download, if you don't pay up then it's to court you go, and you will be found guilty, then you will be fined anything from $25.000 up to $125,000 for each and every illegal file download, so you takes your chance and hope for the best they don't get your IP address and your ISP IP address, remember every websites you go on your computer leaves it's foot print signature It has to by law,
If it's "inexpensive" BUY it - it's not worth the risk.

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when asking this type of question.

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